CTR: Submission to Foundation BEBO

For information about de CTR, see the CCMO website.

How does the submission under the ECTR work at the BEBO?

Registration of new trials (CTR submissions)

We would appreciate it if you let us know in good time when you have selected the BEBO as the preferred MREC to assess your research.

National studies
For national studies it is still possible to reserve a slot for one of our meetings. You can do this by contacting the office (by telephone/mail). At the same time, you send us a synopsis and the CT number of the study. The study must be submitted via CTIS 3 weeks before the meeting, see our meeting schedule.

Multinational studies
Unfortunately, for multinational studies it is not possible to reserve a slot for one of our meetings due to assessment by various parties, the timelines cannot be planned by the BEBO Foundation in advance.

We would appreciate it if you inform us timely of the trial. We would like to receive the CT number, the title, the planned submission date, information about the type of study involved: RMS or MSC and if available a synopsis.


  • You submit your research file in CTIS. We will receive your research file via the CCMO.
  • When submitting your research file in CTIS, you should specify the MREC of Foundation BEBO as your preferred MREC in the Cover Letter.
  • We strongly advice you to submit part 1 and part 2 simultaneously for both national and multinational studies.


MREC Assen